
Please see our lists of standard offered services, though these are not the only services we offer. For a special request please contact us and one of our service technicians will review the request and reach out to you.

Business Services

Active Directory Hosting
Business Automation
IT Security
Custom IT Solutions 
Data Engineering
Database Hosting
Database Administration
Disaster Recovery Planning
Email and Computing Account Hosting
Equipment Ordering and Set Up
Report Building
On Call Troubleshooting
Other Consulting Services

Personal IT Services

Desktop Repair
Backup set up and storage
Program Installation
Equipment installation
Computer Setup
Troubleshooting of Windows, Mac, and Linux computers

What are our services and how do you know if you need them?

Business Automation: Business automation is used when you have large amounts of processed information that need to move from one place to another such as if you have a public form and want automated emails to be sent from the form based on the information a user submits.

Our automation experts will build you a custom solution with many different formats such as Microsoft Power Automate or a Powershell script. We can also interact with SQL databases, Google drive excel sheets and more.  

Data Engineering: When you have a server that hosts thousands, millions, or more rows in a server a data engineer will take and create specialized pipelines that flow the data in an efficient manner so that data scientists, stakeholders, or regional managers can see in-depth information through interactive reports without having to manually update the information contained within. This also includes real-time reports of real-time information such as tracking of delivery vehicles or valuable equipment equipped with GPS devices.

Our data engineering services will create a pipeline and report for you to view via a simple link through applications such as Power BI.

Database Hosting: Hosting a database on our Azure Cloud service will allow you to expand your work without having capital expenditures to buy new equipment. This service will also allow for vastly improved disaster recovery being that the database itself will be replicated for an easy fall back in the case of a major outage.

Our expert database Administrators are able to host all types of Windows, Linux, or custom built solutions while maintaining all current coding, views, and connection.

Email and Account Hosting: When you have your own business, you want to have an email with your company name in it and have that email also grant you access to applications. This service is best for small businesses to get off the ground. As your business grows this service can grow with it.

This service is best for small businesses to get off the ground. As your business grows this service can grow in many different way  and is a great starting place to get your new business off the ground.

Report Building: If you have a group of stakeholders, managers, or other people that you need to show visual data, and don't want to explain it, building a report will allow you to do just that. A report hosted in an application such as Power BI will not only give you a beautiful way to display your data, it will automatically update with the newest information the report is built on.

Our IT Wizards will build a report from data hosted within excel, servers, websites, custom APIs, Google Drive, and/or more. With easy access through a web link, you will be able to view this at any time and anywhere.

For information on other services our wizards provide, please reach out and we will go over each service and suggest the best services for your needs.